Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Ngepi, a gem of a place

This camping spot is situated on the Okovango River in the Caprivi and a really special find. The guy that owns it has quite a sense of humor as seen by some of the sign posts you'll see and the facilities available. If in South Africa and there was a remote chance of a hippo or crocodile coming into the camping spot, you would have huge barriers and fences up. Here they warn you that they are around and you hear the hippos loudly at night especially. We went on a River cruise and on the opposite River bank to our camp came across a huge croc and he was missing the tip of his tail. This camp has been going for over 25 years and common sense prevails. It's a true bush camp only it has a great bar, Resturant if you like and fun things to do. 
Enjoy the pictures :-)))

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